Existing high-voltage transmission line links and pertaining power plants are in good condition. New links and plants needed for a reliable future supply to electricity customers are carefully planned and constructed.
million of investments
Investments: €49.5 million, which is 43% less than planned. Reasons: subsequent changes to the scope of implementation, the preparation of documents and the acquisition of approvals; opposition by civil initiatives.
km of transmission lines
Maintenance activities cover transmission lines in the length of 2,893 kilometres and 45 stations with pertaining power transformers and other high-voltage transmission facilities and are carried out by transmission network infrastructure centres in Maribor, Podlog, Ljubljana and Divača. In 2017, all maintenance works were done that could be done considering the electricity situation.
110 kV
takeover of 110kV network
Prevzem 110 kV omrežja: ELES took over the 110kV transmission equipment of the line, connecting and metering bays at 110kV switching substations and the 110kV transmission lines from sellers with whom an appraisal agreement was made.
The provision of an alternative supply for offtake: Due to emergency maintenance works on the 100kV link between Divača and Ajdovščina, the link was disconnected and offtake was provisionally supplied from an island operation established at the HPP on the Soča river.
projects to construct and upgrade transmission links
The construction of transmission links: The Company implemented 21 projects to construct new and upgrade existing transmission links.
The management of damaged infrastructure:
Heavy winds in December caused damage to several transmission lines. In close cooperation with distribution companies, the consequences were eliminated in the shortest possible time.